But I was absolutely disgusted and outraged by James Dobson's insensitive, cruel comments delivered Monday about the Sandy Hook tragedy, calling it “the judgment of God.” I read about them in the Huffington Post:
Focus on the Family founder James Dobson said Monday that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary resulted from America turning its back on God, joining other conservative Christian leaders in assigning blame for Friday's Connecticut shootings. Speaking to listeners of his "Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk" program, Dobson said God "has allowed judgment to fall upon us."
source: Huffington Post, James Dobson:Connecticut Shooting Linked To Gay Marriage
James Dobson says the tragedy in Connecticut is God’s judgment on the nation for abortion and gay marriage. Dobson is revealed as a fringe figure, a heartless man, clothed in self-righteousness and narrow moralism. He is not preaching the Gospel.
The god he proclaims, like John Piper's, is a monster. These men seem to glory in a cruel, vindictive god, who serves and shares their narrow views. This false god brutally punishes innocent children, killing them for what Dobson believes are other people's sin. Dobson is projecting his own hate.
Greg Boyd had a great comment about the sinfulness of these horrible comments:
"Explaining a tragedy as God's wrath against the sins of others is the most petty and malevolent version of taking the Lord's name in vain." - Greg Boyd
Dobson exploits this tragedy to promulgate his hateful views. What kind of small-minded person makes such vitriolic, cavalier statements about the murder of children, at the same time that their funerals, memorials, and burials are being carried out by their families?
I might add that Dobson and people of his ilk have taught a FALSE gospel for decades, based not on justification by grace through faith, but based rather on a very narrowly-construed moralism, focusing only on his views of sexual issues, and rigid, oppressive gender-roles. This is the problem historically with the religious right, it has reduced Christianity to moralism. Moralism is a false gospel. It is not the gospel of grace and transformation in Jesus Christ.
One of my friends calls Dobson the “Apostle of Child Abuse.” I concur. I also found the story of his abuse of his family dog very disturbing. You can read about it here: James Dobson's Dog Beating Story.
For decades some right-wing and conservative Christians have admired this man. It is time for those naming the name of Christ to shun such miserable and hateful people once and for all.
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