TheCup of Salvation mentioned in the Psalm is the cup we bless, asharing in the Blood of Christ; and the Bread we break, is a sharingin the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 10.16).
Jesuswas sacrificed once only, his unique sacrifice can never be repeated(Hebrews 10.10,14). But by participation in the Holy Communion, theHoly Eucharist, we can come into contact with the Risen Christ andshare in his one time sacrifice.
TheCross provides not only for deliverance from sin and death, but alsohealing. The prophet Isaiah says: “andwith his stripes we are healed,” - Isaiah53.5, Matthewsays in the Gospel, referring to Isaiah, "Hetook our infirmities and bore our diseases."
Petersays in his epistle, “He himself bore our sins in his body onthe tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By hiswounds you have been healed.”- 1 Peter 2.24.
Wecome into contact Christ's healing power, power to heal sin, butalso, to heal the body. Eastern Orthodox Christians, before they takethe Holy Communion, say, “May these holy mysteries be not for myjudgment condemnation, but for the healing of soul and body.”
TheHoly Communion is also called Holy Eucharist, because, as thepsalmist says, it is “the sacrifice of thanksgiving.” Theword Eucharist is from theGreek word for giving thanks. We receive Christ's healing andsalvation and give thanks to him in the same act of receiving HolyCommunion.
Finally,we share in this great gift of healing and salvation in community ofbelievers. The Lord's Supper is called Holy Communion because notonly do we have communion with the Body and Blood of Christ, but witheach other. We are the Body of Christ. The psalmist says, “Iwill pay my vows in the presence of all his people.”
Inthe Holy Communion, we have fellowship with Christ and each other,and we are one body. “we who are many are one body, for we allpartake of the one bread,” Paul says (1 Corinthians 10.17).
ReceiveHoly Communion frequently; receive Holy Communion mindfully,recognizing the Body of Christ in the Bread and Wine and in thecommunity of believers gathered together. Receive the salvation andhealing Christ offers, and give him thanks for it!
“Thebody of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for you, preserve yourbody and soul to eternal life. Take and eat this in remembrance thatChrist died for you, and feed on him in your heart by faith withthanksgiving.
Theblood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for you, preserve yourbody and soul to eternal life. Drink this in remembrance thatChrist's blood was shed for you, and be thankful.”
-from theBook of Common Prayer
Ps.116Revised Standard Version
[1]I love the LORD, because he has heardmyvoice and my supplications.[2]Because he inclined his ear to me,thereforeI will call on him as long as I live.[3]The snares of death encompassed me;thepangs of Sheol laid hold on me;Isuffered distress and anguish.[4]Then I called on the name of the LORD:"OLORD, I beseech thee, save my life!"[5]Gracious is the LORD, and righteous;ourGod is merciful.[6]The LORD preserves the simple;whenI was brought low, he saved me.[7]Return, O my soul, to your rest;forthe LORD has dealt bountifully with you.[8]For thou hast delivered my soul from death,myeyes from tears,myfeet from stumbling;[9]I walk before the LORDinthe land of the living.[10]I kept my faith, even when I said,"Iam greatly afflicted";[11]I said in my consternation,"Menare all a vain hope."[12]What shall I render to the LORDforall his bounty to me?[13]I will lift up the cup of salvationandcall on the name of the LORD,[14]I will pay my vows to the LORDinthe presence of all his people.[15]Precious in the sight of the LORDisthe death of his saints.[16]O LORD, I am thy servant;Iam thy servant, the son of thy handmaid.Thouhast loosed my bonds.[17]I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgivingandcall on the name of the LORD.[18]I will pay my vows to the LORDinthe presence of all his people,[19]in the courts of the house of the LORD,inyour midst, O Jerusalem.Praisethe LORD!
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