21 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Romney reveals his true feelings once again; Republicans don't get it

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Mitt Romney insulted African-Americans, Hispanics, women and young people on a conference call with donors after the election. He said people from these groups voted for President Obama because he offered them "gifts" - like access to health care, for example, which most other civilized countries provide for all their citizens.

Romney did not realize reporters were on the call. We can only assume his comments reflect his true feelings. Romney was not fit to be President, he does not respect all the people.

I don't see any evidence the Republicans have learned their lesson from this election. Republicans think they can insult minorities and women and win national elections. They think they lost because they did not articulate their values. I think the electorate heard them loud and clear. Their over-riding concern is to protect the super-rich from modest tax increases. They have been obsessed with gay marriage and women's birth control.

The Republicans can't hide their fear of the changing demographics in this country. Bill O'Reilly complains the nation is becoming "less traditional," code for less white privilege. Paul Ryan, in offering his explanation for his ticket's loss, cited high turnout in "urban areas."

The Republicans are con signing themselves to a future of irrelevance, stuck in the angry-white male rhetoric of Limbaugh, Fox News, talk radio, the religious right, and adolescently-selfish millionaires and billionaires.

Our society is maturing and growing more diverse, and is leaving the Republican Party behind in the dust.

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