21 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Christ's Inspiration: Ronald Knox on Colossians 3.16

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Monsignor Ronald Knox's translation of Colossians 3.16 has "May all the wealth of Christ's inspiration have its shrine among you" rather than the more familiar "may the word of Christ dwell in you richly," as in most translations. This translation suggests a spiritual, prophetic, and egalitarian sense for the passage, rather than an individualistic sense based on the written word. See Knox's note on the passage below.

Moses says "I would that all the people were prophets (Numbers 11.29) ." This is fulfilled in the Community of believers.


15 So may the peace of Christ, the very condition of your calling as members of a single body, reign in your hearts. Learn, too, to be grateful. 16 May all the wealth of Christ's inspiration have its shrine among you; now you will have instruction and advice for one another, full of wisdom, now there will be psalms, and hymns, and spiritual music, as you sing with gratitude in your hearts to God.

- Colossians 3.15-16 Knox Bible

Knox's note on Colossians 3.16:

Some take 'Christ's inspiration' as referring to the gospel; but it seems more likely that the Apostle is thinking of Christ as inspiring the utterances of the faithful.

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