21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Dog days of summer

With the dog days of summer in full swing, what a great time to ensure your corporate accounting matters are in order.

Summer is a great time to relax and enjoy family and friends.  Throughout summer you may find a little extra down time.  If you are a small business owner what a great opportunity to ensure your corporate finances are being dealt with efficiently and in a manner that ultimately benefits you.

Many small businesses wait until their year end has come and gone, to work on their accounting and financial strategy.  Doesn't it make sense to address those issues as the year is in progress and not after the fact, when it is too late to make a difference.

We encourage you to contact us and to be pro active and address any financial matters that you personally or your business may have.

Common issue to consider are:
  • Bookkeeping being processed correctly and timely to produce the reports and tools that allow you to make effective business decisions.
  • Compensation from the company to the owners.
  • Meeting all deadlines for reporting and payments to avoid interest and penalties.
  • Tracking expenses and revenues to ensure the company is on track
  • Ensuring the company is deducting all expenses that may be available and done correctly.
Enjoy those dog days.

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