30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

A moment to stand united - from U.S. Congress Member Keith Ellison

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Recent attacks on our nation's diplomatic missions in Libya, Egypt, and Yemen have led to the tragic deaths of four Americans, including Chris Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya.

My heart goes out to the loved ones of these brave public servants, who paid the ultimate sacrifice working to spread freedom and democracy abroad.

I urge all Americans to put politics aside for a moment to show respect for the victims and their loved ones. This is a moment for Americans to stand united around the freedoms and democratic values our public servants gave their lives for.

As we reflect on this tragic loss, let it renew our common aspiration for greater understanding, tolerance, and peace.


Keith Ellison
Member of Congress, Minnesota's Fifth Congressional District

Ellison for Congress
P.O. Box 6072
Minneapolis, MN 55406

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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