13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Whither the Conservatives‽

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The Conservatives — specifically, the Harperites — have always been loved by their “ever-loyal” base. I strongly suspect that when the CPC refers to “Canadians” they mean their political base strictly and exclusively.

So in a decidedly perverse way, Harper wasn’t lying when he said stated on Monday 02-May-2011 that there’d be no “surprises” — just a matter of to whom, though.

Among my pet assertions has always been that the sense of entitlement possessed and exercised by the CPC1 — as a body — arises from the miasma of their perceived persecuted and “we, as victim” outlook — that they’ve been put down and disrespected that they’d do anything to wreak vengeance evan as strive to persist in and exercise power.

Another assertion of mine as voiced in this blog is that the CPC wants to wean Canadians away from their seeming and purported readiness to rely and depend on government for too much and often. In their zealousness, it may be the Conservatives’ undoing since they seem to present — frequently and variously — an impression of incompetence, not to mention a shallow, albeit arguably maladaptive, preoccupation with image and reputation.

It might turn out that the Conservatives are not necessarily being oblivious since it is a rather inelegant (if intentional) way to sour the milk — metaphorically speaking — by ensuring that every Canadian’s experience with and treatment by government is unpleasant and ignominous. On the other hand, it might just be that the Conservatives confuse and conflate their innate disdain and hatred of government with the expectations and attitudes of all Canadians in general — standard psychoanalytic stuff, this … confusing their own anxieties, passions and attributes as shared with those of the object.

  1. CPC abbreviates none other than the Conservative Party of Canada. ↑

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