13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

Harper’s First Year in Majority

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Der Harper’s base celebrates Conservative majority anniversary — he’s been in power since Mon. 23-JAN-2006, 2,291 days (6 years, 3 months, a week and 2 days) ago — even as the list of their egregious violations of abuses of power and privilege grows daily.

    The government has squandered what little trust it enjoyed before

    Andrew Coyne
  • A Year into His Majority, Harper is Still Playing the Minority Game Even the Prime Minister’s most ambitious plans, such as the simultaneous negotiation of free trade treaties with virtually every major trade bloc in the world, are presented as faits accomplis, unveiled in rapid succession without much opportunity for consultation. By Andrew Coyne writing for The National Post; posted Wed 02-May-2012.
  • It is clear to anyone involved in politics today that this Conservative government is inciting intensely negative emotions rarely seen in Canada.

    John Ivison
  • Stephen Harper’s Glory May be Fleeting if Economy Fails Stephen Harper stood before the Conservative caucus like a victorious general returning to Rome. A year to the day after winning his majority, the caucus meeting in the old Reading Room was his Triumph, the summit of political glory. But, given the government’s recent stumbles, perhaps he should have followed with another tradition of Roman Imperators — a slave whispering a caveat in their ear: Sic transit gloria. All glory is fleeting. By John Ivison writing for The National Post; posted Wed 02-May-2012.
  • A Canadian Spring for Harperland? The curtain has been well and truly whipped away from the PM’s self-promoting deceptions and he is revealed for what he is: a power-tripper on a mission to give Canada an extreme makeover that only the super-rich and the semi-comatose could endorse. And he is doing it with virtually no debate, creating something of a new phenomenon in Canadian politics; sole-source public policy. By Michael Harris writing for iPolitics; posted Wed 02-May-2012.
  • It is also the de-confederation of the country and the death spiral of independent information bearers. The war machine is more important than the social safety net. Canada can apparently have $45 billion jets and $800,000 military fly-overs, but must rein in the Old Age Supplement and cut food inspectors. The PM can blow $45,000 in public money on a baseball junket (why on earth was Harper’s official photographer along for the ride?), but 19,000 public servants must lose their jobs. And if these institutional thugs lose a seat in an election they lust after, there’s a plan B – gerrymander the riding, as they may well do in Saanich-Gulf Islands, where Green Party leader Elizabeth May knocked off former cabinet sock-puppet Gary Lunn.

    Michael Harris

  • U.S. Voter Fraud Convict Calls Canada’s Robocall Scandal “Sophisticated” A Republican political operative who spent three months in an American prison for making illegal political calls says that fraudulent calls in the last Canadian election are likely an American import. By Stephen Maher writing for Canada.com; posted Wed 02-May-2012.

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