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It is 2013
We avoided the end of the world in 2012, so let's enjoy 2013 to the fullest.
With winter settled in and 2012 come and gone, it signals tax time. The big tax planning option remaining for 2012 are available RRSP contributions. These must be made by March 01, 2013 in order to be deductible on your 2012 tax return.
Those with a December corporate year end; you have three months to pay your taxes. That makes March 31, 2013 an important date. The earlier your accounting data is compiled and delivered to your accountant the more prepared the company will be for the deadline.
February 28th is another important deadline. Corporations have until then to file their T slips. T5s and T4s most notably, for amounts paid to employees and shareholders in 2012 must be filed by then.
So with all that being said there is a lot to think about in preparation for personal and corporate tax filings. Get in contact to discuss how we can help you.
Finally the TFSA limit has increased in 2013. This article outlines the changes.
Enjoy the start to a wonderful year.
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