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Ethiopian Icon of Christ as King |
"To be a subject of Christ is to be a priest."
Below are New Testament readings for Christ the KingSunday, the Sunday before Advent.
We read in Revelation that Jesus has washed us in his bloodand made us a Kingdom of priests! We have a royal and priestly dignity,and we have direct access to God!
In the Gospel, Jesus says His Kingdom does notbelong to this world; rather, he came into this world to proclaimthe Truth. "Whoever belongs to the Truth," Jesus says,"listens to [His] voice."
On Christ the King Sunday, we are reminded of our membership in Christ's Kingdom. We are reminded of our redemption, and our vocation as priests to offer God's love to the world. To be a subject of Christ is to be a priest.
We also anticipate the coming of Christ into the world to reign in glory.
- Lance
Grace and peace be yours, from him whois, and ever was, and is still to come, and from the seven spiritsthat stand before his throne; and from Jesus Christ, the faithfulwitness, first-born of the risen dead, who rules over all earthlykings. He has proved his love for us, by washing us clean from oursins in his own blood, and made us a royal race of priests, to serveGod, his Father; glory and power be his through endless ages, Amen.Behold, he comes with clouds about him, seen by every eye, seen bythose who wounded him, and he shall bring lamentation to all thetribes of earth. So it must be, Amen. I am Alpha, I am Omega, thebeginning of all things and their end, says the Lord God; he who is,and ever was, and is still to come, the Almighty.
- Apocalypse 1.4-8
So Pilate went back into the palace,and summoned Jesus; Art thou the king of the Jews? he asked. Dostthou say this of thy own accord, Jesus answered, or is it what othershave told thee of me? And Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? It is thy ownnation, and its chief priests, who have given thee up to me. Whatoffence hast thou committed? My kingdom, said Jesus, does not belongto this world. If my kingdom were one which belonged to this world,my servants would be fighting, to prevent my falling into the handsof the Jews; but no, my kingdom does not take its origin here. Thouart a king, then? Pilate asked. And Jesus answered, It is thy ownlips that have called me a king. What I was born for, what I cameinto the world for, is to bear witness of the truth. Whoever belongsto the truth, listens to my voice.
- John 18.33-37
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